2024 加拿大青年事奉講習會
開始 2024年11月8日 星期五 結束 2024年11月11日 星期一

2024 Canadian National Youth Ministry Seminar (NYMS) will be held in Toronto Church on November 8-11. The purpose for this seminar is to equip our youths to serve as the coordinator or officer roles in their local church, campus, or youth fellowships. During NYMS, we will also be discussing and sharing the direction and focus of the youth ministry in Canada.

We ask all Canadian local churches and houses of prayer to send at least two youth representatives to attend this seminar. The representative should be one who is actively engaging in local youth ministry. We also sincerely urge all youths to register. It is a very good opportunity to reflect on our ministry and draw close to God. 

The event details are as follows: 

November 8 (Friday): Registration at 5:00PM; Opening Ceremony at 6:40PM

November 11 (Monday): Concluding at 2:00PM

Location: Toronto Church (69 Sunrise Avenue, Toronto, Ontario)

Theme: We are God’s Fellow Workers (1Cor3:9)

The online registration will begin on July 21 and end on September 30. Attendees are encouraged to reserve their flights soon to take advantage of the lower prices. When attendees register, please have arrival information on hand to assist the local church for pick-up/drop-off arrangement. 

We encourage all attendees to arrive by the registration time on November 8 at 5:00PM, to be ready for the Sabbath evening service. For the convenience of the local church pick up, non-local attendees are encouraged to travel in groups. In addition, Toronto Church can provide accommodation starting November 8, and ending November 11. 

All participants will lodge at church. We ask all local church participants to bring their own sleeping bags. The registration is open for 40 participants. Also, we won’t be handing out paper notes, we ask all participants to bring their own laptops or tablets to take notes.  Please see the class schedule link here,

Any questions regarding NYMS registration can be directed to Pr. Barry Chiang at barry.chiang@tjc.ca

Youth ministry is vital to the growth of the church. Please pray for the guidance of our Lord in this ministry. May the grace and peace from Lord Jesus be with you all. 

開始 2024年7月21日
上午 12:00
結束 2024年9月30日
下午 11:59
Toronto Church
69 Sunrise Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
報名者 (37/ 40)
Anita, Chen Toronto
Chang, Megan Toronto
Chen, Mark Kitchener-Waterloo
Chen, Rebecca Toronto
Chen, William Toronto
Chiam, Monique Kitchener-Waterloo
Chiang, Barry Toronto
En, Joshua Alberta
He, Jane Kitchener-Waterloo
Hsu, Henry Toronto
Ji, Leo Toronto
Kuo, Andrew Toronto
Kuo, Edlyn Toronto
Lee, Samuel Burnaby
* Li, Henry Toronto
Li, Nathan Toronto
Li, Renee Vancouver
Lin, Angela Toronto
Lin, Ethan Toronto
Liu, Bethany Kitchener-Waterloo
* Liu, Caleb Kitchener-Waterloo
Syukur, Megan Vancouver
Tam, Kevin Calgary
Tsai, Scott Toronto
* Tsui, Celeste Calgary
Tyler, Wu Toronto
Wang, Caitlin Toronto Church
* Weng, Shannon Toronto
Weng, Ted Toronto
Wong, Janice Toronto
Wu, Christina Toronto
Wu, Samuel Toronto
Yang, Edward Toronto
Yang, Joyce Calgary
Yang, Shauna Toronto
* ZHAO, JiaQiu Montreal
Zheng , Nicky Tjc toronto