2025 International Youth Fellowship (IYF) 國際青年聯誼會
Dates 日期:
- Fellowship 聯誼會: 6/22-26
- Visitation & Tour 參訪&旅遊: 6/27-29
- Overseas youths should arrive at Taoyuan International Airport (TPE) on June 20 or 21. 請臺灣地區以外參與青年於6月21日或22日抵達桃園國際機場【TPE】
Theme 主題: "Rise and Walk through the Land" 「起來!縱橫走遍這地」
Eligibility 報名資格:
- True Jesus Church youths aged 18-40 真耶穌教會青年十八歲至四十歲
- Eligible to have a matrimony in the chapel of TJC 可在真耶穌教會的會堂舉行婚禮
Allocated Registrants 名額:
- Fellowship: 250 youth (125 from Taiwan, 125 from other countries) 聯誼會: 250名青年 (125位臺灣青年、125位其他國家青年)
- Visitation & Tour: 120 youth (30 from Taiwan, 90 from other countries)參訪&旅遊: 120名青年 (30位臺灣青年、90位其他國家青年)
Registration Deadline 報名截止日期:
- March 15, 2025 2025年3月15日
- On first-come, first-served basis 以報名先後為準,報名先接受,至額滿為止
Fees 費用:
- Participants are responsible for their own flight expenses and any related travel costs. We kindly ask that the participants' resident churches provide subsidies for these expenses as needed. 參加人員來回臺灣及相關之旅遊費用請自理,各教會得酌情補助。
- Registration Fees 報名費:
Fellowship 聯誼 - NT$1,500 (US$50)
Visitation & Tour 參訪&旅遊 - NT$10,000 (US$250)
- The registration fee covers lodging, transportation, food, tours, t-shirt and other materials. The participants will submit the registration fee when he/she registers at Taiwan GA. This fee is non-refundable. 參加人員繳交費用涵蓋住宿、交通、餐食、旅遊、T恤及其他相關費用。當參加人員到臺灣總會報到時,臺灣總會將向他們收取報名費。若報名繳費後,此費用恕不予退還。
Logistical Remark 報名流程備註:
- All interested participants should obtain event details and the registration form from his/her local church and submit their registration form to their local church before March 15, 2025. Once the church council signs the form, it should be forwarded to the respective General Assemblies/Coordination Centers, which will then forward it to the IA Office in the U.S. (contact email: ia@tjc.org). Applicants should book their flight tickets and register online after receiving a confirmation letter. 請有意參加的青年詳讀附件中的資訊,並於 2025年3月15日前繳交報名表給當地教會。請當地教會負責人簽署後,轉交報名表至當地總會/聯絡處,再由當地總會/聯絡處轉交至聯總美國辦事處 (電子郵件地址: ia@tjc.org)。申請者應在收到確認函之後,訂機票並上網登記報名。
- Register here only after you have received a confirmation letter from the IA Office. 只有在您收到聯總辦事處的確認函後才可在此註冊。
If you have any questions regarding the IYF 2025 registration, please do not hesitate to contact the IA Office in the US (ia@tjc.org). 如果您對報名登記2025年IYF有任何疑問,請隨時聯絡聯總美國辦事處 (ia@tjc.org)。
Please remember the International Youth Fellowship in your prayers. Thank you for your cooperation, and may God bless you abundantly! 請為國際青年團契活動代禱。感謝您的配合,願主賜福!
October 25, 2024 Friday 12:00 AM
March 15, 2025 Saturday 11:59 PM
Taiwan GA 臺灣總會
No.180 Sec. 2, Songzhu Road, Beitun District, Taichung City 406506, TAIWAN (R.O.C.)
view google map
ATTENDEES (53/ 250)
Name | |
Calson walter bin, Sunjau
| penampang church |
Cendrawira, Dessy
| Jakarta, Indonesia |
chang, yu heng
| True Jesus Church,Kudat,Sabah |
Chen, Catherine
| Irvine |
Chen, Linxin
| Adam Road, Singapore |
Chia , Ivy Ai Hui
| Sabah, Malaysia |
Chia, Yvonne Ling Leng
| Sabah, Malaysia |
Chin, Kimberly
| penampang church |
Chin Chun Vun, Clinton
| TJC Penampang, Sabah |
Firdaus, Steven
| Sukabumi, Indonesia |
Hiew, Leslie
| penampang church |
Hiew, Padgett
| Edmonton |
Ho, Amanda
| Baldwin Park |
Ho, Elle
| Singapore Adam Road TJC |
Ho, Jayden
| Sacramento |
Hoh, Sean
| Kota Kinabalu Church |
Huang, Luke
| Denver |
Huang, Rowan
| 台灣北台中教會 |
Isabelli, Christy
| Sukabumi, Indonesia |
Jia Yi Debbie, Chong
| TJC Penampang, Sabah |
Jia Ying Dylan, Chong
| Malaysia |
Ku, Sarah
| Pacifica |
Kuo, Karina
| Pacifica |
Lai, Justina
| Garden Grove |
Lee, Yunfeng
| Singapore Adam Road TJC |
Lim, Na
| Singapore Telok Kurau |
Lin, Salena
| Queens |
lincoln, lim
| Singapore Telok Kurau |
Liou, Ruth
| East Bay |
Lo, Abby
| Australia |
Lo, Azriel
| Dianella |
Natalia, Desi
| Sunter, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Ng, Bolvin
| Penampang Church, Sabah |
Ng, Kai Lun
| 巴隆教会 |
| Adam Road, Singapore |
Ng V Ronn, Veron
OuYang, Kimberley
| Hillsborough |
Philemon, Lawrence
| Sunter, Indonesia |
Shen, Gabriel
| Garden Grove |
Shing Yee, Chin
| TJC Penampang, Sabah |
Sim, Shawn
| Singapore S9 TJC |
Sunjaya, Ali
| Jakarta, Indonesia |
Tanuwijaya, Kartika
| Sunter, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Tseng, Gabriel
| Chicago |
Wan Lei, Thien
| Kota Kinabalu Church |
wong, Brendon
| penampang church |
Wong, Emily
| TJC Penampang, Sabah |
Yen, Erica
| penampang church |
Yeung, Isaac
| Calgary |
Yeung, Samuel Tin
| Calgary |
Yu Ting, KA
| Penampang Church, Sabah |
Yunita, Claudia
| Jakarta, Indonesia |
高, 春霖
| 台灣總會 Taiwan GA |